Shell Scenarios: Key to Adaptive Strategy

Scenarios are not forecasts intended to predict the future. Instead, they explore how high-uncertainty/impact issues and their drivers interact over time. Understanding those dynamics gives context to issues and helps overcome challenges to strategy. This webinar covers:

  • What is a scenario, what is the scenario planning process, and how to create a team to make scenarios?
  • What are the deliverables and how scenarios might be used?
  • How could one use scenarios for Issue Management, including an example exploring how to achieve a low carbon world?

Shell International is the recognized leader in scenario development use and Wim Thomas is a long-standing member of the Scenarios team, so this is a unique opportunity to build some elasticity into corporate plans and policy. The tools used and “lessons learned” are applicable to a wide range of pressing issues.

Upon purchase, you will receive a link and password to view the video on your checkout page and in your confirmation email. The video will be available to view until March 1, 2022.

