Issue Action Publications, Inc. is your best resource for focused Issue Management content. IAP offers newsletters, books and tools covering Issue Management best practices, trends, practical applications, case studies and more. Our mission is to advance the discipline of Issue Management by making knowledge and information readily available to Issue Management practitioners and professionals.
Newsletter - Corporate Public Issues

Since coining the term “issue management” in 1976, CPI editors continue to probe for, create and share with our readers the most innovative and effective issue management tools available. Through CPI, you receive unduplicated, hands-on, practical guidance on how to advise your organization as its Issue Process Steward. This is a unique intelligence report that is practical yet provocative and geared toward your success.
These exclusive webinars offer instructive Issue Management knowledge and skills that can be embedded across organizational lines. The insights garnered from the sessions will further strengthen and hone your company’s issue management practices.
Origin of Issue Management
The Expert Answers
CPI Editor and Issue Management expert, Teresa Yancey Crane, offers her answers to common Issue Management questions in CPI editorial articles, free to download.
Question: Is the name of the discipline Issue or Issues Management?
Our team of Issue Management Innovators, led by Teresa Yancey Crane, offers expertise in developing highly functioning and integrated issue management processes and tools that, for clients, are sources of competitive advantage. Learn more on our Services page.
Our Partners
Strategic Council
Issue Management Innovators, LLC draws from over 40 years’ experience as pioneers and front-seat reporters in the evolution of issue management. Learn More…
Practitioner Exchange
The IMC is the professional membership organization for people whose work is managing issues and wish to advance the discipline.