The Critical Issues Audit

Are you sitting on top of issues that could escalate into a major threat to your corporate reputation? This workbook by Eli Sopow is a series of self-administered tests that will reveal where your vulnerabilities are, and how to position your company on the leading edge, instead of the bleeding edge of an issue.

Eli Sopow (0-013869-04-X) Spiral bound, 122 pages, 1994



Table of Contents

Part 1: The Issues Vulnerability Index
How to use Part 1
Issue 1: Safety and Security
Issue 2: Environment
Issue 3: Gender/Equity
Issue 4: Service Quality/Value
Issue 5: Institutional Accountability
Issue 6: Empowerment
Results of the Vulnerability Indexes
Where You Stand
Key Threats
Key Opportunities

Part 2: The Issue Values Tree
Communication as the Goat
The Issues Values Tree
Step 1: What You SAID You Would Do
Step 2: What You ARE Doing
Step 3: What You are SEEN as Doing
Step 4: What You SHOULD be Doing
Step 5: Calculating the Values Gap
Step 6: Measuring Success
Step 7: Closing the Gaps
Part 3: The Issue Power Test
Step 1: Totalling the Threat
Step 2: Setting Priorities
Step 3: Gauging Your Strength
Step 4: Fine-tuning the Priorities
Step 5: Issue Power and Control
Issue Priorities
The Macro View
Issue Macro-Barometer

Part 4: The Critical Issue Goalpost
Assessing the Battleground
Pro-active Steps
Reactive Steps
Setting an Achievable Goal
Critical Issue Goalpost Checklist

Part 5: The Issue Progression Curve
Early Issue Identification
Stages of an Issue
News Media and Issue Progression
Issue Situation Analysis
Discussion: The Power of Content Analysis

Part 6 : The Issue Exposure Index
When To Go Public with Bad News
Who To Tell and When

Part 7: Stakeholder Assessment Sheet
Step 1: Listing Your Allies
Step 2: Listing Your Critics
Step 3: Sleuthing Your Critics
Stakeholder Assessment Sheet

Part 8: Some Battle Tactics
Why People Believe
Tone of Communications
Draining the Swamp: Critical Conflict Dynamic
Deadline Dynamic

Part 9: The Issue Advocacy Matrix
Serving the Right Fare to a Cabinet Table
Issue Advocacy Matrix
Policy Issue Management at the Local Level

Part 10: Useful Formats
The Mid-range Issue Management Calendar
Issue Management and News Coverage
Issue Relevancy Index
Shaping Your Message
Reality Testing Your Message
Using Your “E.S.P.”


Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8 × .25 in